BRS Management Academy Introduction to Management
Starting on April 11th and running on a monthly basis until July 2019, the programme run by BRS Management Academy is designed to meet the needs of those who aspire to manage, are about to take on their first management role, or who are already first line managers, but have had no development opportunity. The programme is built around the four basic building blocks of effective management.
The Programme Objectives are:
To develop first line managers’ knowledge and skills
To build confidence in their ability to manage
To understand their roles and responsibilities as managers
To transfer new knowledge and skill into effective performance
To develop each group as a cross functional supportive team
It will consist of four one day workshops spread over twelve weeks incorporating taught input, exercises, activities and discussion. In addition, handouts will be provided to act as an aide memoire for use after the programme. Each session will run from 0900 to 1600. There is the opportunity to follow up the programme with one to one coaching for those who would benefit from the added investment.
There will be individual action plans generated from each workshop, which should be shared with line managers after each event. At the start of each workshop the action plan is reviewed and individuals feedback to the group how they have used the learning from the previous one.
A similar approach has been developed and established in the motor sports industry, where attendance is a prerequisite to promotion into a first line management appointment.
For more information or to apply please contact Peter Burnet, Peter.Burnet@brs.org.uk or Carol Bramhill, Carol.Bramhill@brs.org.uk 01638 501820